"How was your day off?" is usually the first question I get from coworkers the next day I come back after a so-called day of rest. The honest answer would be, "What day off? Moms don't get days off!" but instead I always opt for the simple "It was nice, thanks!"
It would've been okay if I didn't have to cook. Or hear all the screaming sounds that reverberate the walls of our tiny condo unit. Or maybe if it weren't so cold and I didn't have to chase Kai everywhere so he could put on layers of clothing. And if only my husband installed those childproofing things that you put on cabinet doors properly, so that my little rascal didn't empty those stupid cabinets all the time and pretend he's going in a dwarf house, then maybe, just maybe, I could actually say "It was nice, thanks!" with some sincerity next time.
I sometimes look at other moms and wonder if they run the same kind of madhouse that I do. Those moms who seem to feed their kids on time, read to them religiously, limit TV viewings to two hours a week, and send them to bed early. Would I be happier as a mom if I were more organized and followed these rules, wore unattractive clothes and running shoes, drove a van and adorned my hair with clamps? Do these moms ever feel they don't get any days off, and wishes so badly that they get at least one every now and then?
I wouldn't know, because I'm not like them. I just know that for now I'm going to pamper myself with my Sugar Face Polish by fresh and call it a night. I know I didn't have an ideal day off but at least I had this treat. Moms are pretty easy to please. Tomorrow my husband and I are going to see a movie, and maybe that will be a nice day off.
fresh is available on fresh.com and eluxury.com and I highly recommend it. Just don't blame me if you get hooked! Consider that a warning. Sugar Face Polish, 4.2oz, $55 (yes, it really has bits of strawberries! I tasted it one time and I'm most likely to do it again... sweet!)
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