Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monthly Endorphin Injection

How's that for a title? But I can't take credit for it. This is actually what Amanda Gore calls her newsletter which I am subscribed to.

I first heard of Ms. Gore when I worked at Crate and Barrel. There was a convention for all store managers and copies of her lecture were made available to the staff for viewing. I'm glad our manager encouraged us to take the DVDs home and I've subscribed to her newsletter since then. It's always something I look forward to seeing in my inbox every month.

This month she talks about change and she entitled it, "Change or Die-- The Start is Hope." The article is pretty long to post here, but here are excerpts:

Neuroscience is essentially the study of the nervous system but recently it has been applied to the business world and linked with how people change and keep their brains young, creative and alert.

The great news is that our brains are not hardwired and set in concrete from birth on! We can change. From what I have read, it seems that there are 4 keys to change that lasts-- focus, attention, repetition and celebration! FARC for short! Add to that learning completely new and different skills and we have a recipe for rapid effective change and brain development!

...Dean Ornish, the most successful cardiologist in the world at reversing heart disease without surgery, says ‘people don’t resist change, they resist being changed’. His program starts with hope. His approach is to make dramatic life changes and the results that soon become obvious, are a source of hope that people can feel better and live a pain free, happier, active life.

Just like all of her materials this article is an excellent source of encouragement, hope, and yes, endorphins! It's a not-to-miss read and if you would like the full article please email me at and I'd be happy to forward it to you. To subscribe to Amanda Gore's newsletter please click here.


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