Saturday, August 30, 2008

Legolalaland Discovery Centre in Chicago (well, Schaumburg, really)

So as I promised my kids we did go to the Legoland Discovery Centre today and we even managed to bring Cholo and Jesie! My husband got caught up at work so he told us to go ahead and just meet him there. Unfortunately it took him even longer than expected so he didn't make it until we actually got out, and the only participation he had was helping Kai assemble his tiny little Lego car with this tiny little driver (who, by the way, wore a helmet and safety glasses!). And buying us lunch. And buying them their gym shoes later on. Which pretty much took care of everything he made that day! Haha!

For those who have been giving the place bad reviews I don't really know what their deal is. Maybe they really are cheap, like I said yesterday, or they just have no appreciation for art, creativity or wild imagination whatsoever. Just thinking how much time these crazy people spent building Mr. Einstein alone so he could greet me at the door, with his tongue sticking out and his eyes rolling from one side to the other is in itself worthwhile of the entrance fee (yeah, my buy one get one free entrance fee!). Add to that that we got to ride the Dragon Ride twice, watch a 4D movie with Lego characters in it who didn't talk (somewhat a weird movie that's almost not kid-friendly), play at the playground, build with an endless supply of blocks big and small, and hey, take photos with Batman, Harry Potter and Mr. Krabs! For a good couple hours I didn't hear any whining and crying from my three kids. What better things can your $10 buy?!

To prove my point, here's a slideshow. Enjoy and leg godt!!!

2 comments: said...

Glad you were able to use our coupons from Do you plan on returning to Legoland with your family in the future?

Alberto Villamiel said...

I love your blog!!!!!

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